The 2014 national theme: Innovation for public purpose.


The aim was to move the dialogue beyond conventional talk of gov 2.0 and technologies towards innovation that supports resilience and improved public outcomes.

By exploring “public purpose” innovation we looked at a wide scope of issues from public sector-specific challenges and cases, to co-created collaborative cross-sectoral approaches through to social innovation that focuses on the end-user with a design-thinking mindset.

For the purposes of focusing discussion, aggregating comment and curating into reportable formats we loosely framed all topics into five cross-cutting themes.  (Note: A topic or session may be captured across several themes).

Each was designated a hashtag for ease of social knowledge curation.

 collab-100 #collab Sectoral collaboration Collaboration across the siloes of public-purpose sectors as well as between sectors (business, government, social)can provide both challenges and opportunities for innovation
 digital-100 #digital Digital innovation Beyond social media tools,, ‘digital everything’ represents major cultural hurdles if innovation – such as open data & gov 2.0 – is to be responsive, agile and deliverable.
Leading #leading Leading for innovation Leadership at all levels of public service delivery as well as cultural challenges set essential conditions for innovation
 Design #design Designing services Designing future services with an integrated, whole-of-system approach that starts with the end-user is central to public innovation
 Engage #engage Engagement & participation The ‘new social’ means more than familiar one-way communication and opens new opportunities for co-creation of innovation that matters to users